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dtable-event.conf settings

Database Configuration

The settings for the database connection are located in the [DATABASE] section of the file dtable-events.conf

type = mysql
host = db
port = 3306
username = root
password = seatable_db
db_name = seafile_db

Note: MariaDB and MySQL are compatible. In this configuration example, we use MySQL.

Redis Configuration

The settings for the Redis connection are located in the [REDIS] section of the file dtable-events.conf

host = redis
port = 6379

Email Notifications Configuration

The settings for email notifications are located in the [EMAIL SENDER] section of the file dtable-events.conf

enabled = true

Notification Rules Scanner Configuration

Notification rules are a feature that allows users to set criteria for a base and receive notifications when these criteria are met.

The settings for the notification rules scanner are located in the [NOTIFY-SCANNER] section of the file dtable-events.conf

enabled = true

Automation Rules Configuration

In SeaTable, users have the ability to define triggers and actions within an automation rule.
These rules are then automatically executed on a base.

The settings for the automation rules are located in the [AUTOMATION] section of the dtable-events.conf file.

To maintain server stability, SeaTable includes a feature that restricts the frequency of automation rule executions. This per_minute_trigger_limit is set to 50 by default.

per_minute_trigger_limit = 50