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Advanced Settings for Caddy

Enabling Logging for Caddy Docker Proxy

To enable logging for the Lucas Lorentz Caddy Docker Proxy, you need to add a label to the service container (not the proxy container itself). For SeaTable Server, you can activate logging by adding the caddy.log label to your seatable-server.yml file.

Example Configuration

      caddy: ${SEATABLE_SERVER_PROTOCOL:-https}://${SEATABLE_SERVER_HOSTNAME:?Variable is not set or empty}
      caddy.reverse_proxy: "{{upstreams 80}}"


This label caddy.log: enables logging for the service and outputs logs to stdout. Once configured, you can view the logs using standard Docker commands, such as docker logs <container_name> or docker compose logs seatable-server.

These logs are specific to the service container (e.g., SeaTable Server). To view logs for the Caddy proxy itself, check the logs of the Caddy proxy container.