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Extra upgrade notice


API gateway mandatory for external links and big data

Starting with version 5.0, all requests for external links, external view links or big data views are routed through the API gateway. If you haven't configured the API gateway with version 4.4, you need to do so now for version 5.0.

To configure the API gateway, add the following location block to your /opt/seatable-server/seatable/conf/nginx.conf file. Insert this section at the end of the configuration file, just before the final closing curl bracket:

location /api-gateway/ {
    add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *;
    add_header Access-Control-Allow-Methods GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,OPTIONS;
    add_header Access-Control-Allow-Headers "deviceType,token, authorization, content-type";
    if ($request_method = 'OPTIONS') {
        add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *;
        add_header Access-Control-Allow-Methods GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,OPTIONS;
        add_header Access-Control-Allow-Headers "deviceType,token, authorization, content-type";
        return 204;
    proxy_redirect     off;
    proxy_set_header   Host              $http_host;
    proxy_set_header   X-Real-IP         $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-For   $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-Host  $server_name;
    proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
    access_log         /opt/nginx-logs/api-gateway.access.log seatableformat;
    error_log          /opt/nginx-logs/api-gateway.error.log;

Afterwards check your nginx configuration file for syntax errors and then restart nginx.

docker exec seatable-server nginx -t
docker exec seatable-server nginx -s reload
Force usage of API gateway endpoints

The following configuration is optional and can be omitted if you have no issues with API performance, rate limits, and resources. Yet, we recommend using the new /api-gateway/ endpoints for faster responses and reduced workload on your SeaTable Server.

To enforce redirection of the List Rows and Get Row calls to the API gateway, append the following codeblock to your dtable_server_config.json file:

"redirect_list_rows_api": true,
"dtable_web_service_url": ""

Replace with your SeaTable Server hostname (include the trailing '/').

Afterwards, restart SeaTable with:

docker exec -it seatable-server /shared/seatable/scripts/ restart


Migration to storage server required

Important: This change applies only to users whose initial installed SeaTable Server version was 1.x or 2.x.:

With SeaTable Server version 3.0, a new storage server was introduced, which is the default storage type of bases since 3.0. If you started with version 1.x or 2.x, you might need to migrate some of your bases, because SeaTable will stop supporting the old storage mechanism with version 4.4.

The migration is easy. First, ensure that you have the following setting in your


Then, run these commands to migrate your bases:

# list number of bases that are not stored in storage-server
docker exec -it seatable-server /templates/ --list

# migrate 10 bases to storage-server (repeat this command until all bases are migrated)
docker exec -it seatable-server /templates/ --migrate 10

Afterwards, restart SeaTable with:

docker exec -it seatable-server /shared/seatable/scripts/ restart
New API gateway

With this version, we have introduced a new component to SeaTable Server: the API gateway. This optimized API handler is designed to efficiently manage external API requests for base operations. The API gateway is now started by default and requires no additional configuration files. However, you will need to update your nginx configuration to make the new API endpoints, located at /api-gateway/, accessible.

To add this new location, please modify your /opt/seatable-server/seatable/conf/nginx.conf file. You can add the following section at the end of the configuration file, just before the final closing bracket:

location /api-gateway/ {
    add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *;
    add_header Access-Control-Allow-Methods GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,OPTIONS;
    add_header Access-Control-Allow-Headers "deviceType,token, authorization, content-type";
    if ($request_method = 'OPTIONS') {
        add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *;
        add_header Access-Control-Allow-Methods GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,OPTIONS;
        add_header Access-Control-Allow-Headers "deviceType,token, authorization, content-type";
        return 204;
    proxy_redirect     off;
    proxy_set_header   Host              $http_host;
    proxy_set_header   X-Real-IP         $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-For   $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-Host  $server_name;
    proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
    access_log         /opt/nginx-logs/api-gateway.access.log seatableformat;
    error_log          /opt/nginx-logs/api-gateway.error.log;

Afterwards check your nginx configuration file for syntax errors and restart nginx.

docker exec seatable-server nginx -t
docker exec seatable-server nginx -s reload
New Docker container for easy backup

We've added a new backup container to our lineup of components to simplify your backup process. Using Docker, installation is quick and easy. Our selected backup software, restic, supports a wide range of backup targets, including S3, Backblaze, local storage, and more. With restic's reliability, your data is secure with every backup.


New default setup with multiple predefined yml files

Version 4.3 introduces a new installation method relying on multiple yml files, an .env file and caddy as new reverse proxy. This setup is more convenient and will be the basis for all future explanations.

It is not mandatory to switch to this new setup but it is recommended. Read this article for more information.

MariaDB container healthchecks

This help is important if your MariaDB container remains unhealthy after executing docker compose up -d. This issue arises specifically if your initial MariaDB version was below 10.6 and you have now upgraded to a newer version. Older versions did not create the required health check user in the local database, causing the health checks to fail.

We have provided a simple script for you to download and create the necessary health check user. Please use the following commands to download and execute it. The script assumes the MariaDB container is running and that you have followed all installation instructions outlined in this manual.

curl -sSL | bash

If you wish to review the script's functionality, simply open it in your browser: Add MariaDB Healthcheck Script.

The script essentially adds the user healthcheck to the MariaDB database and stores the credentials in a file accessible to the container."

Django CSRF protection

Django 4.* has introduced a new check for the origin http header in CSRF verification. It now compares the values of the origin field in HTTP header and the host field in HTTP header. If they are different, an error is triggered.

If you deploy Seafile behind a proxy, if you use a non-standard port or if you deploy Seafile in cluster, it is likely that the origin field in HTTP header received by Django and the host field in HTTP header received by Django are different. This mismatch results in a CSRF error.

You can add CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS to to solve the problem:

CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS = ["https://<your-domain>"]


Big data storage migration needed (Enterprise only)

Version 4.0 modifies the data format of the backup of big data storage. Compared with previous upgrades, an additional format migration script needs to be run inside the docker:

# replace seatable if you container image is called differently.
docker exec -it seatable /templates/
Universal App is now enabled by default

The Enterprise Edition enables the Universal app by default. The option ENABLE_UNIVERSAL_APP is removed from

Recycle bin is emptied after 30 days

SeaTable empties the recycle bin automatically after 30 days. If you want to change this default behaviour, add the following option to your

New API Limits

API_THROTTLE_RATES is used to replace the old REST_FRAMEWORK option. Usually the default values of the API_THROTTLE_RATES are good. Change the following values only if need higher limits. Add one of multiple options to your

'ping': '3000/minute',
'anon': '60/minute',
'user': '3000/minute',
'sync_common_dataset': '60/minute',
'password_reset': '10/minute',
'org-admin': '1000/day',
'app': '1000/minute',
'import': '20/minute',   # Limit the rate of API calls for importing via excel/csv
'export': '20/minute',   # Limit the rate of export base, table and view


3.0 adds another component, dtable-storage-server, which provides better performance for persistent storage of bases. A base in SeaTable is saved as a file, which is automatically saved every 5 minutes. In 2.x, this file saved in seaf-server, but seaf-server will keep a version for each save, which will take up a lot of disk space. In 3.0, only one version is actually saved when a snapshot is generated every 24 hours, which saves space. dtable-storage-server is a simple abstract layer of traditional file system and object storage.

  1. For new installation, dtable-storage-server.conf will be generated automatically. For upgrade from 2.x, you need to generate the config file manually
docker exec -d seatable /shared/seatable/scripts/ init

dtable-storage-server.conf is as follows

log_dir = /opt/seatable/logs
temp_file_dir = /tmp/tmp-storage-data

[storage backend]
type = filesystem
path = /opt/seatable/storage-data

interval = 86400
keep_days = 180
  1. Add configuration in so that the newly created bases are saved to the dtable-storage-server, and the old bases are still read and written from seaf-server.


  1. Enterprise edition needs to add configuration items in dtable-db.conf to automatically back up the archived data in the dtable-db.

In dtable-db.conf

dtable_storage_server_url =
backup_interval = 1440
keep_backup_num = 3
  1. Migrate bases to storage server

Run these commands to list and migrate your bases to the new storage server.

# list number of bases that are not stored in storage-server
docker exec -it seatable-server /templates/ --list

# migrate 10 bases to storage-server (repeat this command until all bases are migrated)
docker exec -it seatable-server /templates/ --migrate 10


The configuration of the embedded base to other webpages (iframe mode) needs to be modified as follows





In 2.3 version, we made a small change to dtable-db configuration. If you're upgrading from older versions, you have to manually add below option to conf/dtable-db.conf:

log_dir = /shared/seatable/logs


It's also suggested to change the total_cache_size option to a larger value (e.g. 500MB, depending on how much memory you have):

[dtable cache]
total_cache_size = 500


You also need to add access information to dtable-server MySQL database. (You have to change below options based on your conf/dtable-server.json)

host =
user = root
password = mypass
db_name = dtable


DTABLE_DB_URL = 'https://<your-domain>/dtable-db/'

Add dtable-db configuration to nginx.conf

    location /dtable-db/ {
        proxy_redirect     off;
        proxy_set_header   Host              $host;
        proxy_set_header   X-Real-IP         $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-For   $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-Host  $server_name;
        proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;

        access_log      /opt/nginx-logs/dtable-db.access.log seatableformat;
        error_log       /opt/nginx-logs/dtable-db.error.log;


2.1 add another component dtable-db, which is used to provide SQL query API (more features will be provided based on this component). For newly installation, the config file will be generated automatically. For upgrade from 2.0, you need to add the config file manually.

Add a new file conf/dtable-db.conf with the following contents and modify private_key according to your instance:

host =
port = 7777

data_dir = /opt/seatable/db-data

[dtable cache]
private_key = "my private key"
dtable_server_url = ""
expire_time = 600
total_cache_size = 1
clean_cache_interval = 300

The value of private_key should be the same as the value in dtable_server_config.json.

dtable_server_url should be You don't need to modify the value.